What if you can not offer your customer the products you need?
Por Stefania Cervantes, Coordinadora de Comunicación de Ekomercio Electrónico
Over the years, logistics and distribution goods are taking definitive roles in the world of Retail. Hoy en día las empresas se dan cuenta de lo importante que es cumplirle a los clientes sus deseos de compra en el momento y lugar donde ellos lo necesiten, así como ofrecerles el producto que realmente cubre todas sus expectativas y necesidades.
Logistics involves a wide range of processes such as the development, packing, transport, distribution and supply of products to offer a satisfactory customer experience.
Most CEOs around the world considered relevant to invest in logistics to meet customer needs, for example they have the possibility of returning products if they are not waiting, they can be picked up at the store or even distribute home.
However, this change is not profitable for any company, there are many who can not afford these expenses. For example, in Mexico Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's), including those that are in the process of incorporation, They believe it is not appropriate to make a logistics plan because it means a major expense for them.
Al mismo tiempo, These companies live in fear of being unable to meet the needs of its customers and being eaten by larger businesses that do offer all the services that their customers deserve,es, como el envío a domicilio u ofrecer una buena experiencia de compra offline y online.
We must remember that any logistics cost must be reflected in the final product, then if transport costs are very expensive, the end product will also have a higher price and thereby decrease sales opportunities.
Similarly, un punto decisivo del éxito en la logística es garantizar que el producto sea accesible para el cliente en el momento en el que el lo requiera. This means that the product should always be available in the gondolas for a connection and distribution outlets so agile and quick, to avoid loss of customers and meet the demand at the time at the lowest possible cost.
A pesar de la gran importancia que tiene la logística en el mundo Retail, existen muchos negocios en Latino América en los que la logística no juega un papel importante, thus slowing the growth of enterprises and the economy.
Otro factor que afecta a la logística en cualquier empresa es la crisis económica. This terror of all affects any element within the Retail: desde la distribución, hasta el abastecimiento de tiendas.
It is important that any firm which is part of the Retail have an logistics provider con grandes aptitudes y las mejores prácticas en el mercado que garanticen su estabilidad en los próximos años a pesar de la incertidumbre económica, y así alcanzar altos niveles de competitividad y le permita ser líder dentro del sector al que pertenece.
Similarly, si se trata de PyME’s, pueden buscar un asesor que les ayude a definir en qué factor logístico es conveniente invertir para empezar con una planeación que les ayude a construir una base firme para su negocio.