Para que una transacción de compra-venta sea fluida es necesario intercambiar información de los productos y servicios constantemente. We talked about as essential as pricing data, measures, color or expiration dates. In principle share this information does not seem a task too complex, but what happens when business operations are multiplied?
By Javier Romero Francisco Morato, Pre-Sales Engineer de EDICOM México
The email, the phone or face communication are completely ineffective way for medium and large companies. In such cases use technology is essential to act quickly and avoid errors in the information. To provide answers that need Data Pool called electronic catalogs or authorized to operate in the Red Global GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) developed by GS1.
Through these GDSN Data Pool, Providers, distributors and, in general, all "partners" that make up the supply chain synchronized in their systems updated information products. This allows real time the most relevant data for each item, so that any change is recorded. Thus errors are avoided in the process of exchange of information and optimized commercial and logistics management regards the supply chain.
The GDSN network is very useful also for the electronic commerce, because it allows traders to extract the updated product information and automatically display in the online shop. In some regions, como la Unión Europea, This process is already mandatory for certain foods, since the nutritional information prevents possible allergies and obesity problems. But beyond that, the transparency in online commerce It is key to win the credibility of customers.
At present, the GDSN network is being updated to a version that incorporates more than 1,500 modifications. The objective is sort the information in a more flexible way, so you can easily adapt to the needs and peculiarities of each sector. Inter alia, GDSN Major Release 3 incorporates 1,000 new code values, 300 attributes and over 250 validations.
1. What are the advantages of the new version?
- The new ones attributes allow enrich the product data exchanged, including eg additional information about ingredients or allergens. This is particularly useful to meet with some food regulations such as those on food consumer protection developed in Europe or the United States.
- Modifications that have been made improve the quality of data being shared and, therefore, increase confidence in the accuracy of the information.
- This version streamlines implementation time standard, passing two years to a few weeks.
- GDSN Major Release 3 it is better suited to regulatory requirements. We are not referring only to those who already exist, but this version allows faster updates, simplifying future implementations.
The new version of the standard GS1, GDSN Major Release 3, entrará en vigor de forma definitiva a partir del 6 de mayo de 2016, although the electronic catalog EDICOMData It is already adapted. In fact, It was the first solution to be certified, after passing the required tests during the month of March.
2. How does GDSN network?
GS1 The proposed operation is based on the exchange and synchronization of information structured in XML format, Catalogs between GDSN certified.
The red GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) rules and processes enables exchange of information resident in the Data Pool interconnected worldwide. Thus, information of a product in a catalog resident, It is shared with the entire network.
Network components:
- GPC (Global Product Classification)
World ranking of products under the same criteria uniform information products.
- Electronic catalog data (Data Pool)
Structured information repositories of the products connected to the data synchronization network to share information with any trading partner.
- Global Registry GS1
Global register of all the references of products that are published in the GDSN network through the various Data Pools certified.
3. What do I need to implement a system for product data synchronization with my partners?
Capacity to generate data in the GDSN Standard. You must be able to transform data Product Master System using XML messaging standard that uses the GDSN network for the exchange of information. There are solutions on the market served in ASP-SaaS mode, that allow this process simple and transparent, without traumatic internal developments. This is possible by mapping tools, with the ability to translate file and construction scheme adapted to GDSN, a partir de cualquier otro estándar utilizado por el ERP del proveedor o distribuidor.
GDSN connectivity to the network. You must use the services of an Data Pool homologado por GS1 to operate and interface with other Data Pool that all over the world are connected to the network. The Data Pool enables loading of product data information in the Global Registry, and messaging exchange between partners who request information subscribe to my products.
As we have commented, It is a initiative advancing worldwide, driven both from the private and public estates, nestled within eProcurement strategies of some administrations, such as in the case of National Health Service UK. Retail, Bless you, automotive, etc. any industry is able to adapt to this system and benefit from the exchange of key product information, updated in real time, without errors and without language or cultural barriers.
Si quieres saber más sobre la red GDSN Major Release 3, visit the following sources: