Consumer Health It is a common theme that has played a global level in recent years and is aimed to provide all available information in a consumable good hands consumidor final, to control the level of consumption of certain calorie foods, allergens and ingredients.
During 2014, all producers in the food industry in Europe had to adjust the way they passed this information through labeling, thanks to EU Regulation 1169/2011 forcing communicate all data of a product regarding content or ingredients used to manufacture available, levels of energy or calories and some other markings on the packaging.
All this change was made with a common goal: protect and ensure the health and welfare of consumers, informing the amount of certain elements is to ingest and create awareness of recommended intakes.
In our country it has started a strong campaign a couple of years ago against obesity, a big problem that is growing every day and it affects us, to a large extent, by collateral damage generated deadly chronic diseases. According to Forbes magazine, Mexico has become the country with the highest rate of obesity in 2015, 70% of the population suffers from this disease while it is irreversible, is a disease that can be eradicated by our own hands and generating awareness among people that are affected (Team Forbes, “The most obese country in the world”, 2015).
From 30 de junio de 2015, It entered into force upgrade to the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) 051 SCFI / SSA1-2010 for the labeling of foodstuffs, forcing producers to communicate on the front label information about saturated fat, total sugars, sodium and energy, inter alia. This measure comes to approve the actions taken on the continent to improve the quality of life of the population and their diet look with a positive balance.
One of the priorities is making GS1 Mexico this is improve and update the Electronic Catalog so users can transmit this information with its trading partners and expand the number of fields available for a product, creating a network of synchronized master data quality and not only for the retail industry, but reaching the end consumer digital media.
These efforts are concentrated on a specialized working group bringing together the 7 Mexico's leading chains and key suppliers such as Danone, Mondelez, Nestle and Gifan, thanks to the collaboration and support of the initiative, check has been made a total of 70 integrate new fields and will soon find them available for cataloging through Syncfonía.