In accordance with Google, producers and companies that sell online, They have 40% more clicks online stores when your merchandise is tagged with GTIN identification codes against those who do not have.
By Martin Angeles
This figure, Google has implemented a standard for their mechanisms venta on-line, and through its commercial arm Google Shopping, She has decided to close the doors to producers who do not have codes GTIN.
The Internet search monster said in a statement posted on his blog Google Commerce, that the 87% of online shoppers look for products and, con la adopción de Códigos GTIN, businesses and producers can make better digital marketing campaigns Google Adwords.
"This helps us get relevant and accurate results on purchases made in Google", He wrote in a statement. See it you here (in English).
GS1 Mexicootorga este estándar internacional en nuestro país. If you are planning to sell online, create an online store and develop strategies for Internet sales for your products must have a Código GTIN, get it you here.
From the 15 September any company that sells products online, you must label them with GTIN identification codes. If you want learn more about this provision of Google Shopping haz clic you here.
What is a GTIN Code? Do not stay with the doubt, Click you here.