For many years it has waged a battle between companies of electronic article surveillance and security, putting in the window two main technologies: AM (Acousto-magnetic) and RF (Radiofrequency), ambas efectivas en el campo de la prevención de pérdidas en el piso de venta.
Por Ricardo Arredondo, RFID Merchandise Visibility Project Manager LATAM de Checkpoint Systems México.
But, What other benefits could have these technologies?, ¿cómo pudieran evolucionar para apoyar a los minoristas en su afán de disuasión de robos o reducción de mermas por pérdidas por robo o falsificaciones?
La tecnología de RF evolucionó hacia el RFID, permitiendo dar una solución de raíz a uno de los problemas que enfrentan muchas compañías hoy en día, es la interconexión entre sus sistemas y la habilidad de compartir información para toma de decisiones ejecutivas, conectar un ERP, un WMS, un Middleware de RFID, System Loss Prevention, Point of Sale, It seems a difficult task.
This task is further complicated when we want to connect each of these satellites with hardware Electronic Article, Closed Circuit Television antennas and electronic article surveillance.
¿Esto en realidad es posible? Para responder esta pregunta, es necesario recurrir a un término bastante atractivo para los retailers, The “Prevención de Pérdidas Inteligente”.

It sounds like a complex term, pero no se necesita demasiado, basta con un modelo básico de interconexión entre sistemas y hardware escalable a nuevas tecnologías que nos permita tener información en tiempo real, centralized and ready to be published in Dashboards, dashboards and presented to executive level decision-making.
Entre los beneficios que la Prevención de Pérdidas Inteligente nos puede traer están los siguientes:
Origin or manufacture
- Origin labeling and coding: This supports us to RFID / EAS technology does not become a process more in our supply chain, to have visibility of our goods from the point of manufacture
– Shipping and distribution right from manufacturing.
Center of distribution:
- Real-time alerts on errors Reception, Consolidation and shipment of goods to shop.
– Decreased administrative errors resulting in relocation costs of incorrect shipments
– Inventory visibility quite reliable numbers
– Reliability vs actual inventory. Fixed inventory with inventory reliability nearby 99%
– Considerable reduction in time taking inventory, providing the ability to react more quickly to internal theft.
Consolidation by third parties and shipping carriers
- To ensure the authenticity of the merchandise shipped to stores
– Reduce theft transfer and reception Store
– Reduce the possibility of replacement merchandise authentic apocryphal goods in transit
- Differentiation of real-time alerts: Items sold vs. Stolen items
– Authentication of returned goods: Differentiate if you are returning an authentic item vs. An article counterfeit
– Preparing reports on patterns of theft: Hours when more alerts are generated theft, Shopping on more alerts are generated theft
– Conversion rate: Customers who visit the store vs. Customers who make a purchase
– Behaviors average sales ticket and side effects (items bearing the sale of other items)
– Replenishment of merchandise on display: Available sizes have always selling in the case of textiles
– Replenishment of goods in warehouse based on YTD sales behaviors.
– Decrease labor cost by physical inventories or external recruitment.
– Ability to maintain inventories in store with an accuracy above 99%
Shopping outside Store (Omnichannel)
- Availability of merchandise to meet each of sales channels
– Decreased administrative errors in shipments
– Accurate order picking
Knowing all these benefits, more attractive for retailers native methods have connected communication systems, with open architecture and scalability for each of the levels of the supply chain.

communication systems, with open architecture and scalability for each of the levels of the supply chain.
Si este término te resultó atractivo, Checkpoint México puede apoyarle a resolver las dudas que tengas y a maximizar tu capacidad de colocación de mercancía en sus tiendas, reducir la merma o visibilidad de elementos en la cadena de suministro.
For more information, visita la página de Checkpoint México.