“Las empresas que conforman la industria de alimentos y bebidas necesitan ser innovadoras con el objetivo de atender las necesidades de los consumidores, para ello buscan ingredientes, aditivos y soluciones que mejoren sus productos con el objetivo de ser más eficientes”, dijo Daniel Nacach, Director General del Food Technology Summit & Expo, evento que reúne a las empresas líderes proveedoras de aditivos, ingredientes y soluciones para la industria de Alimentos y Bebidas de México y Centroamérica.
In this sense, datos de la Encuesta Anual de la Industria Manufacturera, realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), precisan que hasta 2012 food industry consumed one trillion 426 thousand 645 million 746 thousand dollars in raw materials and auxiliary, representing an increase of 9.3% relative to the immediately preceding year. While the beverage consumed 58 thousand 574 million 95 thousand dollars in raw and auxiliary materials in the same period, and had increased 6.1% over the previous year.
"Over the past seven years in Mexico the food and beverage industry has maintained steady growth. Last year both items resulted in an increase of more than 1% relative to 2012 ", He said the manager.
According to INEGI national food production was 6.9 million tonnes in 2013; while the beverage industry recorded a production 46,004 million liters in the same period.
"The industry is experiencing a clear dynamism, and over 130 thousand companies that make up the food industry, plus 13 thousand that make the beverage industry are seeking innovations and working to develop better products ", He spoke Daniel Nacach.
"Last year virtually all industry grew, eg Packing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables had an increase of 4%, while Corn Products Snacks and grew 5% ".
Include, that according to information Promexico subsets of the food industry with greater opportunity to invest are: Sweet and savory snacks, confectionery, refrigerated processed foods, condiments, dressings and sauces, ice cream, dairy and bakery.
“El Food Technology Summit & Expo 2014 Exposure is the only Spanish-speaking segment in which they participate more than 150 empresas expositoras proveedores líderes de la industria de alimentos y bebidas, en los más de 11 mil metros cuadrados de exposición en el Centro Banamex”, puntualizó.
“Las empresas deben apostar por la ciencia, la tecnología y el pensamiento estratégico en materia de innovación. Todo esto es lo que pueden encontrar en el Food Technology Summit & Expo 2014, evento que se realizará en el Centro Banamex los próximos 1 and 2 de octubre”, finished.
Acerca del Food Technology Summit & Expo Mexico 2014
Organized by the Food Technology Summit ENCUMEX & Expo reúne a las empresas líderes proveedoras de aditivos, ingredients and solutions for the food and beverage industry in Mexico and Central America with the aim of doing business and branding. El evento recibe la visita de más de 8 thousand attendees to consolidate it as the most important in the region.
Also, el Food Technology Summit & Expo offers a comprehensive training program that includes a Congressional Pay and Free Lecture.
In its Seventh Edition, el Food Technology Summit & Expo will be held on 1 and 2 October at the Centro Banamex in Mexico City.
For more information visit: www.ftsexpo.com