According to Nuria Fernández Urquía, FAO Representative (Food and Agriculture Organization) in Mexico, the current situation of food and nutrition security in Mexico is very complex.
"This is a country with very diverse characteristics from both geographically, geological, and from the point of view of climate and crops grown in North and South, GDP north and south, water availability, inter alia. If we consider food security as the combination between food availability and access you have these (the possibility of buying), we see that the situation in Mexico requires some degree of improvement ", He referred specialist, who will be one of the speakers at the Food Technology Summit & Expo 2014, to be held on 1 and 2 October at Centro Banamex.
He added that although availability is wide, for that which is not produced in the country is complemented by investments, a situation of food poverty.
In this sense, Daniel Nacach, Director General del Food Technology Summit & Expo said during the conference Nuria Fernández Urquía current data provide nutritional situation in the country, "Such that against a 14% of malnutrition in children under 5 years old, the 30% of the adult population is obese ".
Further, added Nacach, 18% of the population in Mexico is food and income poverty is concentrated, mainly, in seven states of the federation.
"Discover why the productive structure underlying these indicators reflects a highly heterogeneous picture, which results in low growth of national productivity in recent years ", ended Nacach.
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Acerca del Food Technology Summit & Expo Mexico 2014
In its Seventh Edition, el Food Technology Summit & Expo will be held on 1 and 2 October at the Centro Banamex in Mexico City.
Organized by the Food Technology Summit ENCUMEX & Expo brings together the 150 companies leading supplier of additives, ingredients and solutions for the food and beverage industry in Mexico and Central America with the aim of doing business and branding. Also, is visited by more than 8 thousand attendees to consolidate it as the most important in the region.
Similarly, el Food Technology Summit & Expo offers a comprehensive training program that includes an International Congress and Cycle 21 Free Food Innovation Conferences.
For more information visit: www.ftsexpo.com