The current client and potential is immersed in an ecosystem where price transparency is a constant and access to information is very agile, making it a "hyper consumer", technologically more informed and empowered. In the words of some leading companies in the retail trade:
This is a reflection of several key players, and is leveraged to highlight elements that begin to consolidate in different markets.
Then some of the major trends that are expected this year.
More agile Services
The rate at which key will have to respond. Some of the retailers are starting to make alliances with courier services to achieve the same day shipping of goods. It is noteworthy that shipments of outperformers were made without cost and using the same standards and conventional methods.
Mercado móvil
For the next 3 years old, is expected that trade done through mobile devices exceed $638 billion USD, equivalent to the total e-commerce during the 2014. Particularly the role of "wearable" (wearables), such as lenses, Bracelets, t, etc will be key face to the customer experience and the information provided to the analytical data. One of the main challenges will be to ensure that retailers have with WiFi access service in the shop: a 28% of retailers increased customer loyalty by enabling internet access services in the store (EarthLink Holdings Corp.)
Retail presence in tourism services
Zoom products and services to this niche will be key considering that more than 1 trillion of people makes international travel each year, making an outlay of just over $1 trillion USD for this item. Some companies are beginning to call this as the "sixth continent".